Your money will be given directly to sex workers who apply.
We take no money from aid provided to the fund. We believe the fund should be accessible to all sex workers in our community, so it is possible that one of us could be a grant recipient, but we do not profit from this. All operational costs are covered by us and never taken out of the fund.
You can also subscribe to our Patreon or pay with PayPal or CashApp. Find the links below!
If you wish to use PayPal or give monthly, use the PayPal button below. You will be redirected to the secured PayPal Website to set up your payment.
CashApp to help fund Harm Reduction Supplies specifically: $SwaidSupplies
Where does my contribution go?
100% of contributions go directly to our micro grants. We believe the fund should be accessible to all sex workers in our community, so it is possible that one of us could be a grant recipient, but we do not profit from this. All operational costs are covered by us and never taken out of the fund.
Can I get a Tax deduction?
Yes, you can. If you would like a receipt for your taxes send an email to
Shirts and other things
If you&apros;d like to have something to show your support, or just something awesome to show off, you can get some merchandise from redbubble. Please be aware that while we do not make any money from redbubble, a percentage of the money you pay will go to redbubble.
You can also order supplies for us to hand out and provide to SWs from our Amazon Wishlist!
Have more help to give?
Use the form below to get in touch with us if you have specific services or skills you&apros;d like to offer for help. We will contact you and connect you with sex workers in the community.
Please provide your name, email and what you can contribute.